12-2 Method and the variables that determine

The following is the method and the variables that determine Block-Fame.

• High Weight - On-chain Block-Fame variables


: Refers to the amount of sales made through a Volunteer after a contract with a partner company in the past 3 months. Because the transaction is recorded on Blockchain, it is possible to objectively verify voluntary buying power and assign a high weight. The number of transactions is an indicator of accurately measuring the volunteer's activity. Even if the amount is small, if the transaction is completed within the past 3 months, a high weight is given to increase the Block Fame.


:The number of transactions is the second most accurate variable that reflects the level of volunteer activity. The number of transactions is applied regardless of the total revenue generated from the transaction.

• Medium Weight - Block-Fame variable between on and off chains

Total amount of DonaBlock Token obtained in the last three months (Dona obtainment)

The amount of DonaBlock Token obtainment reflects the total amount of obtainment in the last three months.

Also, it ensures fair and transparent competition by preventing volunteers with a large of amount of tokens from barring other volunteers.

Purchase Conversion Rate

If the purchase conversion rate is high, it is possible to recognize that personal sales activities are actively increasing, and the level can rise. If a volunteer uses a bot to increase visitors (off-chain) to raise their Block Fame index, the purchase conversion rate will decrease, reducing the risk of manipulating visitor numbers.

The number of deal agreements

The weight assigned to a Volunteer's rating is determined by the number of agreements reached with suppliers in the past 3 months. This allows us to determine whether the Volunteer is consistently contributing to the ecosystem.

• Low Weight - Off-chain Block-Fame variables

The number of visitors and followers

The monitoring system of Volunteer allows the Volunteer to check specific data, particularly sales performance, regarding Block Fame. Because Block Fame is an important indicator for product suppliers, Volunteers can carefully manage each of its components (such as accumulated DonaBlock Token compensation, total number and volume of sales, and purchase conversion rate) with data from the last three months being used in the calculation of the ratings. DonaBlock uses this evaluation system to prevent Volunteers from monopolizing the highest rating by focusing on short-term performance.

Volunteers are able to easily see what types of products are listed and what product requests have been received on the administrator dashboard. Block Fame is displayed on the dashboard along with other simple information about accumulated token donations and number of followers. On the supplier's management dashboard, the supplier can easily find available volunteers as well as the performance of each volunteer. When selecting a volunteer for product sales, the supplier can use the Block Fame level and access more specific data.

Last updated