8. DonaBlock.3 Offline Store Connect
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DonaBlock Bazaar's offline partner stores are establishments with a "good and kind influence" that practice dedication and sharing with marginalized communities. Therefore, they provide high levels of donation rights ("ShopBack") to consumers who visit their stores. We are actively working to expand our network of offline franchise and small business partner stores. In order to be connected to DonaBlock Store, one of DonaBlock's donation platforms, partner stores must actively participate in our "ShopGive" campaign policies.
Franchise Partner Stores
• Customers who visit partner stores can use the activated DonaBlock APP to receive "ShopBack" for their consumption of dining, travel, coffee, gas stations, and takeout etc.
• By registering their affiliated credit or debit card on the mobile APP and visiting a partner store, the partner store will provide the consumer with a "ShopBack" of their sale's profit through the card company once the payment is approved.
• By using an affiliated card connected to the DonaBlock APP, partner stores can offer a "ShopBack" of up to 10% for their customers' consumption.
Small business partner stores
• To connect to DonaBlock Store, one of the donation platforms on DonaBlock, partner stores must show a special interest in philanthropy and charity campaigns for the marginalized.
• Partner stores must hold a certain amount of DonaBlock Tokens to register as a charity store on DonaBlock Store.
• To work with resource volunteers with consumer influence and charity campaigns, partner stores must share their store information on the dashboard and pay a certain amount of DonaBlock Tokens when registering store information on DonaBlock Board (dashboard).
• Partner stores can freely determine the level of “ShopBack” to customers and disclose it on the network.
• When consumers visit partner stores and consume, they will “ShopBack” all intermediate profits to consumers.
• Consumers who receive “ShopBack” can search for various donation targets on the DonaBlock platform and donate with DonaBlock Tokens.
• DonaBlock Store will support both token payment and legal tender payment through its internal exchange system in the long run.
• Partner stores that connect customers to charity businesses and contribute to DonaBlock’s network will receive additional DonaBlock Tokens as rewards.