6-1 Dona Brand ShopBack

DonaBlock promotes and handles the sale of products from partner brand stores, and receives intermediate profit and sales fees from partners when a product is sold. DonaBlock gives the entire intermediate profit to the consumer as a "ShopBack". "ShopBack" has many differences from the typical savings for repurchase. This is because consuming on DonaBlock means that both the brand and the consumer are participating in good deeds for the realization of social value. However, our company and partner brands do not involve themselves in the "ShopGive" activities of members. Instead, consumers are given the authority to donate to the desired recipient (individual or group) with "ShopGive". When a member joins DonaBlock, their electronic wallet is activated, and the "ShopBack" is stored safely in the member's electronic wallet after the purchase is confirmed as DonaBlock's cryptocurrency, " DonaBlock Token".

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