3-2 plan to expand the base of donations

Everyday life consumption leads to donations

Consuming with "belief." The trend of "Meaning Out," which actively expresses one's belief by purchasing goods that contain social value or special messages, is spreading. This means actively expressing political and social beliefs through consumption, which were not previously revealed. The MZ generation enthusiastically agrees with "doing good if possible." If you have money to spend, it is much better to spend it on good deeds. "Buycotting" (the act of actively purchasing goods from stores that receive good evaluations with the meaning of "giving money") is also the same context in a broad sense. In other words, if there is a product that matches your values, you do not stop at purchasing it, you actively communicate this online. This behavior has become a culture - to actively share contents that you think are meaningful and valuable, and to show your identity through this action.

DonaBlock is a platform that allows consumers to receive intermediate profits generated from the distribution and sale of products in daily life from daily consumption such as, shopping, dining out, and traveling (‘ShopBack’), and to donate to desired charitable organizations or places in need of assistance ("ShopGive"). It aims to create both social and economic value.

Building positive brand association through charitable activity

"Purpose" can differentiate a brand. Price and quality can be key factors in consumer purchasing decisions, but there is another motivator that is increasingly influencing our unconscious mind: the "social purpose" of the brand. However, it is not always easy to convey the "purpose" of a brand. To surpass the tangible elements like price and quality, an intuitive element is needed. One of the most powerful ways to realize the purpose of a brand for consumers is to connect it with a specific, relatable charity project.

Tapping into a Growing User Base

In 2021, donors gave more than $300 million in cryptocurrencies to charities. However, the numbers only represent part of the reason why thousands of non-profits accept cryptocurrency donations. Crypto Philanthropy has become a rapidly growing way to donate. Cryptocurrency users are increasing worldwide, and more and more people are using cryptocurrencies to support the causes they care about to try to change the world.

Future-Proofing Your Fundraising

Donating and accepting cryptocurrencies can help non-profits diversify their fundraising efforts. Cryptocurrencies provide clarity and transparency in contrast to traditional fundraising methods, which in turn open up innovative possibilities for various forms of fundraising making cryptocurrencies an important fundraising method for non-profits to rely on. For example, some non-profits have raised over $12 million in cryptocurrency through NFT-related charity donations in 2021. Cryptocurrency donations connect non-profit organizations with younger donors. Did you know that 94% of cryptocurrency users are Millennials and Gen Z, and the average age of cryptocurrency users is 38 years old? These users tend to have an average income of approximately $110,000 and are generous.

Smart contract

When a transaction is completed with a smart contract, all data recorded on the blockchain cannot be forged or modified under any circumstances. Token movements between brands, consumers, and charitable organizations on the DonaBlock platform are recorded on the blockchain, so donation or sale data is safely protected during the transaction process. It is impossible to manipulate donation-related data recorded on the blockchain within the system. DonaBlock allows donors to report and analyze the movement of donations from the moment they are donated to the point where charitable organizations spend them, protecting transparency and mitigating the possibility of incorrect reporting. Suppliers cannot arbitrarily adjust the amount of donation tokens offered to consumers when purchasing goods, and all participants in the transaction can confirm whether the donated funds have safely reached the intended destination.

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