6-2 Dona Brand ShopGive

Users who have received "ShopBack" can search for various donation targets on the DonaBlock platform and donate with DonaBlock Tokens. Donation targets are wide-ranging and can be immediately donated worldwide with cryptocurrency. We have very strict standards in selecting donation organizations (charities, non-profit organizations). They must incorporate values such as safety, environment, social minority care, co-prosperity cooperation, and social integration, and donation money must be used transparently and be publicly available.

"ShopGive" is quickly, safely and transparently donated to charities, non-profit organizations, companies, and individuals. This is the biggest reason why we donate with cryptocurrency. "ShopGive" is a "ShopGive" Campaign that means "consume with satisfaction of my needs" and creates a good change in consumption, and values that can contribute to public interest and community development in all areas such as society, environment, and culture. Opportunities to participate in the campaign and donate cryptocurrency are separately available from "ShopBack" conditions with brand partners on the DonaBlock platform.

Last updated